Top 15 Indian Sustainable Fashion Influencers You Need To Follow

sustainable fashion influencers india

In today's world, where Instagram and Pinterest reign supreme for outfit inspiration, it's easy to get lost in the latest trends without considering the environmental impact. While fashion influencers dominate our feeds with new styles, there's a refreshing wave of change led by sustainable fashion advocates. These influencers aren't just about showcasing chic outfits; they're on a mission to educate and empower their audience to make eco-friendly choices. From shedding light on the industry's environmental challenges to offering practical solutions, they're redefining what it means to be fashionable in the modern age.

Enter the world of sustainable fashion influencers in India, where style meets sustainability with a purpose. These influencers aren't just about looking good; they're about doing good for the planet. Through their Instagram platforms, they're spreading awareness about the importance of reducing waste, making conscious consumption choices, and embracing greener lifestyles. With their engaging content and passionate advocacy, they're inspiring their followers to rethink their fashion habits and embrace a more sustainable way of living.

Whether you're a seasoned eco-warrior or just dipping your toes into the world of sustainability, these influencers offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. By following them, you'll not only discover fresh fashion ideas but also gain insights into how your choices can positively impact the environment. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey towards greener living and fashion-forward sustainability, join us as we spotlight the top sustainable fashion influencers in India who are paving the way for a more conscious and stylish future.

What role does sustainability play in fashion? 

Sustainability plays a crucial role in the fashion industry, encompassing various aspects from production to consumption. With growing awareness about environmental and social issues, consumers are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability from fashion brands. Sustainable fashion aims to minimize the negative impacts of clothing production on the planet and people. This includes reducing carbon emissions, conserving water resources, and promoting fair labor practices throughout the supply chain. By adopting sustainable practices, fashion brands can mitigate their environmental footprint and contribute to a more ethical and equitable industry.

Moreover, sustainability in fashion extends beyond environmental considerations to encompass social and economic dimensions. It involves ensuring safe working conditions for garment workers, paying fair wages, and supporting local communities. By prioritizing ethical sourcing and production methods, fashion brands can empower marginalized communities and foster economic development. Ultimately, sustainability in fashion is about reimagining the industry's approach to design, production, and consumption to create a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.

Why does sustainable fashion matter?

Sustainable fashion matters now more than ever due to the urgent need to address the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry. The traditional fast fashion model, characterized by rapid production cycles and mass consumption, has led to extensive resource depletion, pollution, and exploitation of labor. Sustainable fashion offers a viable alternative by promoting practices that prioritize environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical production. By embracing sustainable principles, the fashion industry can reduce its carbon footprint, minimize waste generation, and protect natural ecosystems, thus contributing to the global efforts towards mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity.

Moreover, sustainable fashion matters because it has the power to drive positive change across the entire fashion supply chain, from raw material sourcing to end-of-life disposal. By fostering transparency and accountability, sustainable fashion encourages consumers to make informed choices and support brands that align with their values. Beyond environmental considerations, sustainable fashion also addresses social justice issues by advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and gender equality within the garment industry. Ultimately, sustainable fashion offers a pathway towards a more equitable, resilient, and regenerative fashion ecosystem that benefits both people and the planet.

How are sustainable fashion influencers spreading awareness?

Sustainable fashion influencers are playing a pivotal role in spreading awareness by leveraging their platforms to educate and inspire their followers. Through engaging content on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and blogs, these influencers showcase the beauty and potential of sustainable fashion while highlighting its importance for the planet and society. They share insights into eco-friendly materials, ethical production practices, and conscious consumption habits, empowering their audience to make more informed and sustainable choices in their fashion journey. By featuring sustainable brands, eco-friendly styling tips, and DIY upcycling projects, these influencers demonstrate that sustainability and style can go hand in hand, debunking the myth that sustainable fashion is inaccessible or unappealing.

Moreover, sustainable fashion influencers use their influence to advocate for systemic change within the fashion industry. They collaborate with brands to promote transparency and accountability in their supply chains, urging them to adopt more sustainable practices and prioritize ethical standards. Through partnerships, campaigns, and grassroots initiatives, these influencers amplify their message and drive collective action towards a more sustainable and equitable fashion future. By engaging with their audience and fostering dialogue, they create a ripple effect that extends beyond social media, catalyzing broader awareness and advocacy for sustainability in fashion.

15 Indian Sustainable Fashion Influencers You Should Check Out!

Embark on a journey towards sustainable style with our curated list of 15 Indian Sustainable Fashion Influencers who are redefining fashion with purpose. From advocating for eco-friendly materials to championing ethical production practices, these influencers are leading the charge towards a more conscious and responsible fashion industry. Discover their unique perspectives, eco-conscious fashion tips, and inspiring content as they inspire and empower their followers to make greener choices. Whether you're a seasoned sustainability enthusiast or just beginning your eco-conscious journey, these influencers offer a wealth of inspiration and insights to help you navigate the world of sustainable fashion with flair and compassion.

1. Aditi Mayer

Aditi Mayer stands out as a prominent figure in Indian sustainable fashion, advocating passionately for zero-waste practices. Her website serves as a hub for like-minded sustainability advocates both in India and internationally. On her Instagram platform, Aditi shares invaluable insights into DIY techniques, each offering a unique and essential perspective. 

Recognized for her impactful contributions to climate change and sustainable living, Aditi has been featured in numerous international magazines and environmental platforms. Collaborating with renowned artists and activists worldwide, she spearheads sustainable projects that resonate with global audiences. Follow Aditi to delve deeper into her remarkable journey in sustainable fashion and environmental advocacy, where she collaborates with esteemed brands to raise awareness on diverse sustainability issues.

2. Mrudula Joshi

Mrudula Joshi's journey into sustainable living began unexpectedly, spurred by her penchant for thriftiness despite her fashion background. Her venture, "Ullisu," meaning "save" in Kannada, epitomizes her commitment to a zero-waste lifestyle. Beyond being a zero-waste influencer, Mrudula is also a savvy entrepreneur. 

Inspired by her professor's research, she embarked on the #NoStitchSeptember Challenge, opting for draped garments over stitched ones to minimize carbon footprints. From dresses to sarees, her creations not only showcase her creativity but also cater to diverse body shapes and sizes. Recently, Mrudula launched the Ulisu Zero-waste Store, offering a range of eco-friendly products available for delivery across India, furthering her mission to promote sustainability nationwide.

3. Pallavi

Pallavi, a fashion blogger and fervent nature enthusiast, utilizes her Instagram platform to shed light on the fashion industry's entrenched colonial exploitation and unsustainable practices. Through thought-provoking content, she seeks to educate her audience about the workings of fast fashion and offers insights into alternative, sustainable solutions. 

Pallavi's page serves as a sanctuary, seamlessly blending fashion with the tranquility of nature, offering not only visual delight but also a space for contemplation and reflection. Dive into her Instagram feed for a holistic exploration of fashion's intersection with nature, where beauty meets consciousness.

4. Swati Dixit

Swati Dixit's Instagram profile is a captivating journey into the realm of affordable and sustainable fashion, captivating audiences with her unique approach. Beyond being an influencer, Swati is also the driving force behind her own fashion brand, where she ingeniously promotes sustainability through creative means. 

Her passion for slow fashion shines through as she articulates its significance, advocating for mindful consumption in an industry often characterized by excess. Swati's infectious energy and selflessness radiate through her posts, as she spreads positivity not just about fashion, but also about various facets of lifestyle, inspiring her followers to embrace a more conscious and fulfilling way of living.

5. Ankita Katuri

Ankita, widely recognized as @kitakaturi on Instagram, emerges as a formidable advocate for ethnic and sustainable fashion, carving her niche with a distinct focus on attire and jewelry over self-promotion. With a penchant for ethnic wear, Ankita's voice resonates strongly within the sustainable fashion sphere, championing the cause of mindful consumption and supporting local artisans. Her advocacy for sustainability extends beyond rhetoric, as she actively promotes the ethos of 'vocal for local,' encouraging her audience to eschew mass-produced labels in favor of supporting grassroots businesses. 

Ankita's posts not only inspire but also empower her followers by providing detailed insights and opportunities to shop the look, fostering a community of conscious consumers in the era of fast fashion. In an age where consumer choices wield significant influence, Ankita stands as a beacon for sustainable fashion, exemplifying the power of individual action in shaping a more ethical and environmentally conscious industry.

6. Kakali Biswas

Kakali Biswas, a leading figure in Indian sustainable fashion, not only offers exquisite outfit inspiration on her Instagram but also champions regional and ethnic dress while promoting local companies and artisans. As the founder of Dora by Phoenix, her own clothing brand, Kakali seamlessly blends her entrepreneurial spirit with her commitment to sustainability, encouraging her followers to embrace their roots and make conscientious fashion choices. 

Through collaborations and advocacy efforts, Kakali exemplifies the fusion of style and sustainability, making significant strides towards a more inclusive, culturally rich, and environmentally conscious fashion industry.

7. Ofelia Sarkar

Ofelia Sarkar epitomizes the essence of slow fashion by advocating for the inclusion of handloom textiles in one's wardrobe. With a keen eye for vibrant and mindful production, Ofelia's Instagram profile serves as a testament to the beauty and versatility of Indian handlooms. Through her curated collection of exquisite sarees, she showcases the timeless elegance and craftsmanship inherent in slow fashion. Each intricately woven piece not only tells a story of cultural heritage but also embodies the principles of sustainable production and consumption. 

By championing handloom textiles, Ofelia inspires her audience to embrace a more conscious approach to fashion, where quality, craftsmanship, and cultural significance take precedence over fleeting trends. In celebrating the artistry of Indian handlooms, she not only supports local artisans and traditional weaving techniques but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of India's textile heritage. Through her platform, Ofelia Sarkar serves as a beacon for those seeking to infuse their wardrobe with meaning, authenticity, and a touch of timeless elegance.

8. Sreedevi Bindu Olappamanna

Sreedevi Bindu Olappamanna's Instagram presence transcends the realm of fashion, advocating for sustainability as a holistic lifestyle choice. With a powerful message that sustainability can permeate every aspect of one's life, her profile serves as a guiding light for those seeking to minimize their environmental footprint. From practical tips on repurposing wardrobe pieces to fostering zero-waste practices in daily living, Sreedevi inspires her followers to tread lightly on the planet and embrace a more mindful way of living. 

Through her platform, she underscores the interconnectedness of individual actions with global sustainability efforts, empowering her audience to make meaningful changes for the benefit of both present and future generations. Sreedevi's dedication to promoting sustainability as a lifestyle choice reinforces the notion that every small step towards a greener, more sustainable world counts.

9. Siddharth Kerkar

Siddharth Kerkar, an artist hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Goa, seamlessly intertwines his commitment to sustainability into both his artwork and wardrobe. Through his Instagram profile, Siddharth shares not only his creative endeavors but also his passion for sustainable living. As the creator of a line of sustainable clothing, he embodies the ethos of mindful consumption and ethical fashion. 

With a vibrant mix of soothing art visuals and snapshots of stunning locales, Siddharth's profile serves as a colorful canvas that reflects his dedication to spreading the message of sustainability. By allowing his eco-conscious choices to permeate every aspect of his life, Siddharth inspires others to embrace sustainability and make conscious decisions that benefit both themselves and the planet.

10. Taanya Hooda

Taanya Hooda challenges the misconception that fashion creators and designers cannot embody sustainability, debunking the notion with her own lifestyle and work. Through her Instagram platform, Taanya provides a wealth of inspiration for those aspiring to embrace slow fashion, showcasing sustainable fabric choices and eco-friendly styling techniques. 

As the founder of her clothing label, Taanya stays true to her message of sustainability, infusing every aspect of her brand with conscious practices and values. By leading by example and showcasing how fashion and sustainability can harmoniously coexist, Taanya inspires her audience to rethink their approach to clothing consumption and embrace a more mindful and ethical fashion journey.

11. Himanshi Goel

Himanshi Goel defies the conventional norms of fashion influence by seamlessly integrating sustainable practices into her lifestyle. While staying attuned to the latest trends is a hallmark of her influencer status, Himanshi boldly embraces a zero-waste lifestyle, proving that sustainability and style can go hand in hand. 

Through her platform, she sends a powerful message to her audience: that treading lightly on the planet doesn't have to be a daunting task but can instead be a journey of gradual, meaningful change. By sharing her own sustainable journey, Himanshi inspires others to embark on their own paths towards a more eco-conscious way of living, demonstrating that every small step towards sustainability matters.

12. Nayana Premnath

Nayana Premnath embodies the ethos of sustainability by advocating for minimal waste and maximizing the use of existing resources. Through her content, Nayana highlights the importance of repeating outfits as a simple yet impactful way to reduce waste and promote sustainability. By showcasing how small changes in consumption habits can lead to significant environmental impact, she guides her audience towards a more eco-conscious lifestyle. 

Nayana's emphasis on making the most of what one already owns serves as a powerful reminder that sustainability is achievable through mindful choices and actions, inspiring her followers to join her in the journey towards a more sustainable future.

13. Pankti Pandey

Pankti Pandey, affectionately known as 'Zero Waste Adda,' stands as a leading figure in India's advocacy for zero-waste living, slow fashion, and minimalism. Leveraging her roles as a TEDx speaker, scientist, and minimalist, Pankti utilizes her Instagram platform to provide practical resources and guides that inspire and educate her audience on sustainable living practices. With her extensive experience as a Sustainability Educator and Consultant, she brings invaluable insights into adopting eco-friendly habits. 

Recognized as a Forbes Top 100 digital star, Pankti remains a dedicated advocate for both the slow fashion and slow food movements, consistently driving awareness and action towards mindful consumption and sustainable lifestyle choices. Through her multifaceted expertise and unwavering commitment, Pankti continues to make a profound impact in fostering a more sustainable future for all.

14. Aishwarya Sharma

Aishwarya Sharma, a prominent figure in India's fashion scene, transcends traditional blogging to become a dedicated fashion activist. Through her platform, Figuramoda, meaning "fashion for all" in Latin, she tackles pressing societal issues such as body shaming, sexual harassment, and racial discrimination. Aishwarya's advocacy has garnered recognition from esteemed publications like The Times of India, The Indian Express, and YourStory.

In addition to her activism, she fervently promotes sustainable fashion practices, advocating for slow fashion, ethical sourcing, and upcycling. As the @puma Voice of Re:Gen and Next-Gen Ambassador for @globalfashionagenda, Aishwarya continues to leverage her influence to champion a more sustainable and inclusive future in the fashion industry.

15. Arushi Sana

Arushi Sana, an enterprising entrepreneur and the visionary founder of NYK daily, embodies a passionate commitment to sustainability and recycling. Through her Instagram platform, Arushi serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking knowledge on zero waste management and sustainable fashion. Her dedication to implementing sustainability in every aspect of her daily life is evident in her advocacy efforts and educational content. 

Arushi's holistic approach to sustainability transcends mere rhetoric, as she actively engages her audience with practical tips, insightful discussions, and inspiring examples of eco-friendly living. Whether it's exploring innovative recycling methods or promoting ethical fashion choices, Arushi empowers her followers to make meaningful changes towards a more sustainable future. With her boundless enthusiasm and unwavering dedication, Arushi Sana continues to inspire and educate others on the transformative power of sustainability in shaping a better world for generations to come.

Why should you follow these influencers? 

Following these influencers is essential for anyone looking to embrace sustainability in their fashion choices and lifestyle. Each influencer brings a unique perspective and wealth of knowledge to the table, offering practical tips, inspiration, and guidance on how to incorporate sustainability into daily routines. Whether it's learning about zero waste living, ethical fashion practices, or supporting local artisans, these influencers serve as invaluable resources for individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the planet. By following their journeys and adopting their recommendations, you not only gain insight into sustainable living but also become part of a community dedicated to creating a more environmentally conscious world.

Moreover, these influencers are not just advocates for sustainability; they are catalysts for change within the fashion industry and beyond. Through their platforms, they raise awareness about pressing environmental and social issues, challenge conventional norms, and advocate for systemic change. By amplifying their voices and supporting their initiatives, you contribute to a larger movement towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. Following these influencers is not just about staying on top of the latest fashion trends; it's about aligning your values with your actions and being part of a global effort to create positive change for the planet and future generations.


Who is the influencer who supports sustainability in India?

An influencer supporting sustainability in India is Aditi Mayer, renowned for advocating eco-conscious fashion choices and sustainable living practices.

Who are the best fashion influencers in India?

Some of the best fashion influencers in India include Masoom Minawala, Komal Pandey, and Santoshi Shetty, known for their unique styles and significant influence.

What are sustainable influencers?

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Sustainable influencers promote eco-friendly practices, ethical fashion brands, and conscious consumerism to inspire positive change towards environmental sustainability.

Who is the most famous influencer in India?

The most famous influencer in India is Priyanka Chopra, celebrated for her multifaceted career, philanthropy, and global influence.

Who are the highest paid influencers in India?

Among the highest paid influencers in India are Bhuvan Bam, Amit Bhadana, and Ashish Chanchlani, known for their entertaining content and massive following on social media platforms.

Who is the richest Instagrammer in India?

The richest Instagrammer in India is Virat Kohli, renowned for his cricketing prowess and lucrative brand endorsements, amassing a significant fortune through his social media presence.

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About The Closet

The Closet is a curated blog dedicated to exploring the world of Streetwear, Athleisure & Sustainable Clothing. We offer a fresh perspective on the ever-evolving fashion & cultural landscape.
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